Brodie will be sharing pictures of Haiti tomorrow in his class. He's really excited but anxious to speak in front of everyone. He has some fun pictures of himself with all his pet geckos and chickens.
The first week in February, Barrett and I will be going to Tupelo, MS for training at Global Outreach International. It will be great to see David and Judy Heady, who will be there from Haiti teaching part of the sessions.
A special thanks to Leah Lundeen and her company (The Bernard Group) for blessing us with donating the first thousand of our brochures and bookmarks that arrived last week. Thank you!!
Barrett is back to work at Life Time and so far I have done some annual training back at Presbyterian Homes. We are looking forward to sharing our call to Haiti with others and excited to start building our support team! Haiti is heavy on our hearts every day and we are anxious to know God's perfect timing for our return full time. (i've already downsized and packed our Christmas decorations, I told Barrett what a great job I did and he said "do we have to bring any? can't you just give the kids some paper and crayons and they can make some when we're there?" Oh, boy!) Please let us know if you'd like to get together to hear about our three months and the vision we have for our return.
A Huge thanks to our church River Valley for being a big support to our family! We loved coming home to our beautiful, surprise Christmas tree! Merci beaucoup!
Please keep the missionaries in Haiti and the Haitian people in your prayers. (maybe include Brodie for tomorrow :-)
Thank you to all of you who have supported us and encouraged us.
You can contact us at:
Facebook Barrett Todd or Carrie Holmquist Todd
"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus"
(Phillipians 3:14)