It's a good day, so don't cry, right?! As you can see from the picture below our sweet Pierlins hands are healing and she won't need to come back for treatment. If you don't remember her, her story is in our last blog. Hunger, anger, hot oil, good samaritan. What could have easily been infected and club like hands are healed! During the time that she's been coming one of her older brothers burned her arm with a match. That has healed as well. We've been able to love on her and her silence has turned into big smiled soft responses to our questions. "Who's smart, who's pretty, who's loved?" "Me!" One of eight children in a home where she's not shown love. Fear and sadness can easily creep in about her future. This is a good verse for the both of us.
When I am afraid, I will trust in You. Psalm 53:3