Do you tend to put God in a box? I think it’s something we
all do, consciously or not.
The Most Important Commandment—Luke 10:27 NLT
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all
your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself.”
-who is your neighbor?
Did God mean the family living next door to you in the cul-de-sac
or across the street? Or did He mean His
neighborhood, which is the entire earth?
I know that every one of you would stop what you were doing, be it
heading to work, watching TV or heading to the ballgame to stop & help this
child if he were your literal neighbor.
What makes us turn our head, to ignore our God given neighbors? Please support us in our vision to end the
hunger/starvation happening to these poor, innocent children. 1 in 8 of them will die before age 5 from
malnutrition or treatable illness. That
has to change.
We are leaving on Monday for Haiti and any blessing you can
give, no matter how small or large will be multiplied 1,000 fold in the Kingdom
of God.
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